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Town planning

We're here for you

Les éléments d’histoire et de patrimoine, confèrent à ses habitants, des obligations quant à l’engagement de travaux. Il sera nécessaire, pour toute modification extérieure du bâtiment, de passer par la validation des architectes des bâtiments de France (A.B.F.). Toute demande de travaux doit aussi faire l’objet d’une autorisation de l’Unité Départementale d’Architecture et du Patrimoine de la Corrèze(Udap 19). N’hésitez pas à vous rendre en Mairie pour plus de renseignement. Vous trouverez ci-dessous tous les formulaires nécessaires pour vos projets. Vous pouvez aussi obtenir le dossier à remplir à la Mairie. Une fois la demande déposée, il faut patienter deux mois d’instruction avant de recevoir la réponse du service.

Town planning certificate

The town planning certificate is an information document, it is not an authorization. There are 2 types: the information certificate and the operational certificate.

A prior declaration of works (DP) is required for works that are not subject to a building permit....

Prior declaration of works (DP)

Building permit​​

The building permit is an urban planning permit. It concerns new constructions, even without a foundation, of more than 20 m²....

Planning permission​​

The development permit is an urban planning authorization which allows the administration to control the developments carried out on a plot of land...

Amending permit for a building or development permit​​

When an authorization to build or to develop has been granted to you, you can obtain the modification by filing an amending permit for small changes to the initial project...

Permit to demolish

The demolition permit is an urban planning permit. You must obtain it before the partial or total demolition of a building located in an area where this permit is mandatory...

Transfer of a building or development permit

A building or planning permit can be transferred. The town hall authorizes this transfer under certain conditions...

Contesting a planning permission

You can challenge the validity of the planning permission that your neighbor has just obtained (permit to build, demolish, develop, no opposition to prior declaration)...

Development tax (TA)

The development tax applies to all operations subject to planning permission: (re)construction and expansion of buildings, development and installation of any kind...

Sanitation of domestic wastewater

The purpose of collective or non-collective sanitation is the evacuation and treatment of wastewater...

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